〈밀어서 잠금해제, Slide to Unlock〉

Web, Graphic, 2021
Alphabet Project, HHHA
html의 Range Slider(범위 슬라이더)를 기존의 사용방식에서 탈피하여 활용할 방안을 연구했다. 범위 슬라이더는 비디오 재생, 서체나 화면의 크기 조정, 검색 범위 제한 등 웹 상에서 빈번하게 사용되기 때문에 모든 웹 사용자들에게 친숙한 도구 중 하나이다. 범위 슬라이더의 핵심 기능인 입력된 밸류값에 따라 출력값을 다르게 생성할 수 있는 지점을 활용하여 실험 결과를 도출했다.
I studied how to use html's Range Slider away from the existing usage method. The range slider is one of the most familiar tools for all web users because it is frequently used on the web, such as playing video, resizing typefaces or screens, and limiting search scope. In this projects I tried to derive the experimental results by utilizing a core function of the range slider: the ability to generate different output values based on the input values.
『밀어서 잠금해제』 작업은 2021년 웹 디자인 스튜디오 LiebermannKiepeReddemann가 이끌었던 강의에서 제작한 프로젝트이다. 강의는 재치 넘치는 타이틀 “World of Webcraft” 이었고, 그들은 이와 같이 설명했다. Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann sees the web as a young medium where established user experience conventions should be challenged, pushed forward and experimented with in order to find new and joyful ways to navigate and communicate through this rich interactive medium.
The “Range Slider Study" was created in 2021 in a lecture led by web design studio LiebermannKiepeRedemann. The lecture at that time still has a great influence on me to this day. The lecture was wittily titled "World of Webcraft," and a description of it is attached below. “Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann sees the web as a young medium where established user experience conventions should be challenged, pushed forward and experimented with in order to find new and joyful ways to navigate and communicate through this rich interactive medium.“